Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Shocking revelation

OK...I know she was joking. But right before I left the house my mother suggested I wear a girdle. ouch. I know I need to lose some weight. But really, a girdle. I guess it is time to face facts. Already unhappy at size 12, I am getting fatter. I must act. Decisively.
I finally got around to watching the Oprah Boot Camp episode (I love TiVo!). No white food? I guess that means grits. What the hell am I going to eat for breakfast? I am guessing more pancakes from Wendy's are out of the question....
Oh woe. To think I was once a size 6 (well, that was ridiculous and I looked like I was about to blow over). It is time to rouse myself out of bed and back down to a size 9...

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